Antenna Measurement Services
Diamond Engineering offers a number of antenna (or device) measurement services to fit your requirements. Using our DAMS 6000, 6100 or D6050 series systems – we can measure antennas up to 150 pounds with frequencies from 1 GHz to 40 GHz with a nearly unlimited number of points (higher frequencies possible depending on application). All measurements include detailed Excel reports with exportable data files and MatLab 3D plots. Our services are excellent for pre-certification and R&D analysis.
We offer highly competitive rates with quick turnaround times. Contact us for more information.
Positioner Capabilities
- Azimuth 0 – 360º with 1/16º resolution
Elevation +/- 180º with 1/16º resolution, up to 5 lbs (2.25 kg)
- Azimuth 0 – 360º with 1/16º resolution
Elevation +/- 45º with 1/16º resolution, up to 15 lbs (6.8 kg)
- Azimuth 0 – 360º with 1/16º resolution
Elevation +/- 90º with 1/16º resolution, up to 150 lbs (68 kg)
All positioners support up to 40 GHz.
Available Measurements
- Standard AZ/EL Cuts
- Conical Cuts
- Spherical Cuts
- Linear and Circular Gain
- Efficiency / Loss
- Anheolic or Outdoor Environment
Available Data
- Raw and Corrected Mag / Phase Data
- Beamwidth
- Front-to-Back Ratio
- Over Frequency Data
- Any S-Parameter
- Efficiency %, AUT loss, Radiation Resistance
In-House Reference Antennas
- Calibrated Low Frequency Bi-Conical
- Calibrated Mid Range Yagi
- Calibrated 1-18Ghz Horn
For more information or a quote, please use the button below:
Measurement Quote